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Self-serve troubleshooting. Need more help? Our in-app chat is here for any other questions.
A note on deploying custom object permissions on new profiles
Are profile permissions showing up as 'New' or 'Deleted' when you know it's not the case?
Can Gearset migrate the Email Message Relation object and its encryption setting?
Are you getting "Invalid api version" when deploying Apex classes?
Salesforce org error - "Error: duplicate value found: GearsetExternalID__c duplicates value on record with id: <xxx>"
Changes to Flows in v44 of the metadata API
Common causes of slow validations or deployments
Common problems with viewing metadata in source control
Gearset cannot retrieve standard tabs
How to use the bisection method to debug retrieval errors?
In git with org comparisons, why are the results different from org to org comparisons?
How can I resolve the error "The resource data for the static resource ‘...’ appears to be missing, although the XML file is present..."?
Metadata missing when committing to git branches
Running tests synchronously in a test monitor
Sharing your comparison with Gearset
Which destructive changes does the metadata API not handle?
Why can’t I find specific metadata in my Gearset comparison results?
Why 'Unknown' is sometimes displayed as the 'Changed by' value in the results table
Why are there metadata differences in my freshly refreshed sandbox?
Why can't I compare the standard matching rules?
Why are there differences between my git branch and my org after initialization?
Why can't I find my difference?
Why can't I see any Apex classes in my comparison?
Why has Gearset added components of 'No difference' to my deployment package?
Is your Flow not showing up in the Flow Navigator mode in our comparison?
Troubleshooting deployments made via Compare and deploy
Why is the deployment summary item count different from the selected item count?
Why are some of my letterhead items not showing up in the comparison?
Why is XML order of some metadata in the comparison results different?
How does Gearset handle requests that exceed the download limit?
How to resolve the "QuickText is not a valid Tab" error when deploying Profiles
Resolving common validation errors related to 'Experience Bundle' metadata type
Resolving validation errors - "A Recipe must specify a Dataflow" on WaveRecipe metadata type
Resolving validation errors - "An approval process can't be active until it has at least one approval step"
Resolving validation errors - "Cannot find a user that matches any of the following usernames: <xxx>; remove the user from the component being deployed or create a matching user in the destination organization."
Resolving validation errors - "Cannot modify managed object" on PermissionSet metadata type
Resolving validation errors - "Cannot set sharingModel to ControlledByParent on a CustomObject without a MasterDetail relationship field"
Resolving validation errors - "Cannot specify a gender for a gender neutral language"
Resolving validation errors - "Cannot specify: inlineHelpText for platform event field"
Resolving validation errors - "Cannot use field:WhatId in RelatedContent section." on Layout metadata type
Resolving validation errors - "ControlledByParent is not a valid sharing model for Asset"
Resolving validation errors - "Control field value <xxx> not found, valid values are <yyy>"
Resolving validation errors - "Couldn't locate layout section: <xxx> in layout <yyy>"
Resolving validation errors - "CustomApplication - You specified one or more duplicate ProfileActionOverride values."
Resolving validation errors - "Custom metadata type "XXX_mdt" is not available in this organization"
Resolving validation errors - "Duplicate label <xxx>" for deployment with Global Value Set metadata type
Resolving validation errors - "Error parsing file: ' ' is not a valid value for the enum 'Gender'"
Resolving validation errors - "Failure DestructiveChanges.xml"
Resolving validation errors - "field integrity exception: unknown - (<xxx> Access level below organization default)"
Resolving validation errors - "Field: field, value <xxx> appears more than once"
Resolving validation errors - "In field: QuickAction - no QuickAction named <xxx> found"
Resolving validation errors - "In field: field - no CustomField named <xxx> found"
Resolving validation errors - "In field: report - no Report named <xxx> found" on Dashboard metadata type
Resolving validation errors - "INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY: insufficient access rights on cross-reference id: "xxx""
Resolving validation errors - "invalid cross reference id" for Custom application metadata
Resolving validation errors - "Invalid element reference <xxx> not found for target"
Resolving validation errors - "Invalid field name <xxx>" on Report metadata type
Resolving validation errors - "INVALID_TYPE: Cannot use: WorkflowRule in this organization"
Resolving validation errors - "Must Specify a Non-Empty Label for the Custom Object"
Resolving validation errors - "Name (Screen Component) inputsOnNextNavToAssocScrn isn't supported for field Type "InputField""
Resolving validation errors - "No more than 10 columns may be specified in lookupPhoneDialogsAdditionalFields"
Resolving validation errors - "Not available for deploy for this organization"
Resolving validation errors - "One of the objects selected for your roll-up summary uses dated exchange rates and the other object does not. Roll-up summary fields can only summarize values of currency fields if both objects convert values (...)"
Resolving validation errors - Once an approval process has been activated, you cannot add or remove steps. Please create a new approval process from this one for modification. You may only delete an approval process that has no data records associated..."
Resolving validation errors - "Permission <xxx> depends on permission(s): <yyy>"
Resolving validation errors - "Picklist value: <xxx> in picklist: <yyy> not found."
Resolving validation errors - "RecordType (Screen Component) - inputsOnNextNavToAssocScm isn't supported for fieldType <xxx>"
Resolving validation errors - "Test only deployment cannot update a field from a MasterDetail to Lookup"
Resolving validation errors - "Test only deployment cannot update a field from a Lookup to MasterDetail"
Resolving validation errors - "The approver null has an invalid type. Replace PreviousApprover with a valid enumeration value"
Resolving validation errors - "The field apiVersion can't be "<xxx>""
Resolving validation errors - "There is more than one instance identifier with the same name <xxx>"
Resolving validation errors - "The sharing calculation you requested can't be processed right now...".
Resolving UNKNOWN errors - "UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION: An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support
Resolving validation errors - "Unsupported custom field type conversion attempted."
Resolving validation errors - "You may not modify the permission <xxx> while editing a Standard Profile"
Resolving validation errors - "<xxx> - "apexClass" is invalid. Provide the API name of an Apex class that includes an Apex data type supported in flows."
Resolving validation errors - "<xxx> does not exist or is not a valid override for action <yyy>"
Resolving validation errors - "<xxx> is not a valid condition field for : <yyy>" on Duplicate Rule metadata type
Resolving validation errors - "You can't edit tab settings for <xxx>, as it's not a valid tab." - where <xxx> refers to a specific Custom object
Why am I seeing LIMIT_EXCEEDED error during deployments?
Unexpected changed records in data backup runs
Unusually large amount of deleted records on a data backup job run
Why are LastReferencedDate and LastViewedDate fields not backed up?
Why aren't all files being backed up from my org?
Why are there so many new records in my latest data backup run?
Why can't I restore [Object]History from my data backup?
Resolving data deployment errors: missing related records
Resolving data deployment errors: INACTIVE_OWNER_OR_USER
Resolving data deployment errors: DUPLICATES_DETECTED
Resolving data deployment errors: DUPLICATE_VALUE:duplicate value found
Resolving data deployment errors: INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST
Resolving data deployment errors:
Resolving data deployment or CPQ error:
"REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING:Required fields are missing <xxx>"
Resolving data deployment errors: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY
Resolving data deployment errors: DUPLICATE_VALUE & DUPLICATE_EXTERNAL_ID
Resolving data deployment errors: INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY: Record Type ID
What information is useful when debugging data deployment issues?
Understanding data deployment errors
Campaign object does not show for selection when configuring a data deployment
Why does Gearset exclude duplicate records during a data deployment?
Resolving issues with logging in and connecting orgs via Salesforce
Common authentication and comparison errors
How do I cancel a validation or deployment that has started?
Why can't I see all of my scratch orgs?
Does your GitHub connection give the error "Gearset can't find any repositories"?
Troubleshooting Azure DevOps connection
How to solve "unknown git error" when connecting to custom git repository
Troubleshooting Salesforce login
Authentication issues after a sandbox refresh
Change source control and services connections in Gearset
Deleting an Org Connection