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Deleting an Org Connection

What happens when you delete an Org connection in Gearset?

Quinn Kuiper avatar
Written by Quinn Kuiper
Updated over a week ago

To delete a Salesforce Org, go to the connected Salesforce Orgs section of Gearset and click Remove connection...

When this is clicked you will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the access.

Once the connection is removed Gearset will no longer have access to your Org.

Commonly asked questions.

Will it affect my Deployment History?

  • No, all past deployments made into this org have been cached and therefore the information is still all available to see.

Will it affect my comparison history?

  • No, all past comparisons made with this org have been cached and therefore the information is still all available to see.

Will I be able to access the Validated Package for reviewing/cloning/deploying?

  • The comparison is cached, so you can still review it, as well as clone and deploy the package. Note: You can clone from it, but you need to select an org connection that still exists.

How does it affect any Data Backup Jobs?

  • All currently running Data Backup Jobs will fail as Gearset no longer has access to the Org.

How does this affect any CI jobs?

  • All currently running CI Jobs will fail as Gearset no longer has access to the Org.

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