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Why am I hitting my repository API limit?
Why am I hitting my repository API limit?

This article helps you find out why Gearset is consuming so many API requests and how to reduce your API requests

Richard Terry avatar
Written by Richard Terry
Updated over a week ago

Every source control provider has a limit of how many API requests you can make per hour/day.

If you exceed this limit, you won't be able to interact with your repository in Gearset, this includes using your Gearset Pipeline.

This is most common with BitBucket as it has the lowest request limit at 1000 requests per hour per team.

Why am I running over the API limit?

1: Open Pull Requests

Gearset continuously polls your Git repository in order to make sure that your pipeline view is up to date. The biggest load on this are your open pull requests.

If you have a large number of open pull requests in your repo, Gearset will consume a lot more API requests to check on their status.

What a lot of pull requests look like matters to your API request limit. For 1000 requests per hour in Bitbucket, it looks like more than 150-200 open pull requests.


Check if you actually need all of your open pull requests, if you can lower this number, Gearset will spend less of your requests on checking in on open pull requests.

Good places to start

  • Sometimes there are pull requests left over from projects that are over and no longer needed.

  • If you setup a test pipeline, there may be a number of open pull requests that you never closed.

  • Check your back propagation. You may have an environment that has been left alone and has accumulated a large number of back propagation requests

2: Multiple browser tabs

If you have pipeline view open in multiple web browser tabs, Gearset will sync them all separately, while tabs that are not active will poll your repo less frequently it will still consume requests.

If you have a few employees with multiple tabs open this can consume a considerable number of API requests.


Try to keep the number of open tabs within Pipelines view down to a minimum if you are running into issues with your API request limit.

Still having issues?

If you are still having issues with API hitting your git repositories API limit, reach out in the in-app chat and we'll be happy to advise further.

Note: Gearset is currently working on a project to reduce the number of API requests we make. When complete, it will hopefully reduce the impact of this issue or remove it entirely.

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