If you're viewing the permissions report for a monitoring job, you may see a message like the one below:
Some results may be hidden from this permissions report. To see a complete report for future monitoring job runs, change the job's metadata filter to include all items for custom objects, permission sets and profiles metadata type.
Why am I seeing this message?
This message appears when Gearset detects that your change monitoring job has filtered out an item that's preventing the permissions report from being complete. For Gearset to generate a permissions report, the following metadata types must be available:
Custom objects
Permission sets
You will see this warning if you've assigned a filter that removes any of the three. You might wonder why Gearset is concerned with these three types in particular. The short answer is that the report may not make sense without these types, so all three are required to get the complete picture of who sees what.
How do I resolve the warning?
You can resolve the warning and view a complete permissions report by changing the metadata filter to include All items
for Custom object
, Permission set
, and Profile
metadata types. You can do so by following the below steps.
Step 1: Navigate to the monitoring dashboard and select Edit job settings...
Step 2: Click on the Metadata filter
Step 3a: Find Custom object
and ensure All items
is selected:
Step 3b: Find Permission set
and ensure All items
is selected:
Step 3c: Find Profile
and ensure All items
is selected:
Step 4: Save the updated filter.
Gearset will now be able to generate a complete permissions report on the next run.