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How to solve "unknown git error" when connecting to custom git repository
How to solve "unknown git error" when connecting to custom git repository

Workaround git repos that have HTTPS connections disabled

Valerio Chang avatar
Written by Valerio Chang
Updated over 7 months ago

When connecting to a custom git repository, using the HTTPS method you may come across the cryptic error message Unknown Git error occurred.

It is possible that the repository that you are trying to connect to is configured to disable HTTPS connections, and the workaround is for you to connect using the SSH option instead. This document shows you how to do this:

  1. On the Source control and services section of the app, click on Add new custom Git repository.

  2. Select the SSH option on Authentication type

  3. In your git repo find the repo address in the SSH format

  4. Enter the repo address

  5. Set up the SSH key by copying the Public key into your git provider. (If you are using GitHub, go to to do this)

Congratulations, you are now ready to test the SSH connection!

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