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Data backup and Archiving
Backing up or archiving crucial business data for your orgs
Searching for records in data backup
What data is backed up in each run?
Data backup - downloading data
Deleting a record from a data backup job
How can I view particular record ID in the data backup runs?
How do I see who deleted a record?
Transferring data backup job ownership
How to delete a Data Backup job
How to delete the data from your backup runs
How to set backup job permissions
Gearset backup & restore - User permissions
Gearset backup & restore - job filters
'New recommended objects' backup job setting changes - what you need to know
What is Gearset PK chunking and should I use it?
Data restoration using Gearset
Restoration of "Household Accounts" from a backup job
Restoring a record that has been merged in Salesforce
Restoring changed fields from a data backup job
Restoring deleted records with dependent objects
Restoring deleted records without dependencies.
Restoring files and attachments from a backup job
Restoring metadata from a data backup job
Restoring or replicating multiple records and their full data structure from a backup job
Data Archiving with Gearset
What data we capture when Archiving
Gearset archiving solution - user permissions
Archiving preparation: how to set up your org permissions
Create a new Archive and Policy
How to set archiving permissions
How to edit an Archive
How to edit a Policy
How to configure retention rules for your archived data