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Team-shared CI jobs

Create CI jobs once and share them with your team

Mark Allan avatar
Written by Mark Allan
Updated over 7 months ago

License requirements to use team-shared CI jobs:
This feature is available for all customers using Deployment Teams and Automation Starter licenses, or any license above (e.g. Enterprise license).
Check our Pricing page for more information about different types of licenses.

On larger teams, with members potentially joining and leaving on a regular basis, it can cause administrative overhead to maintain CI jobs if they are set up by individual team members. In this case, team owners can instead create connections that are owned by all team owners rather than any individual.

Adding a team-shared CI job

When a team owner creates a CI job, they can elect to create a team-shared job rather than a user-owned job:

Note that creating a team-shared job requires you to use team-shared org and team-shared VCS (version control system) connections - if you don't have them yet then you will need to create them first.

Note: When creating the team-shared connections, we recommend using a service account. There is no way to change credentials of a team-shared CI job, without re-creating the job

When you create a team-shared job, the job is owned not by you but by all team owners. This means that it will continue to be available to team members even if you leave the team in the future.


Team-shared CI jobs can be edited and managed by any team owner. Team members cannot edit or manage the jobs, but can run them according to the same rules as user-owned jobs - in other words, based on their permissions to the source and target connections.

Use with VCS connections

When team-shared CI jobs use a VCS connection, a team-shared VCS connection for that provider must exist, ideally using service account credentials. However, it is highly recommended that users also have their own user-owned connections configured with their own credentials for accurate attribution and auditing.

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