Guidelines on resolving most commonly occurring Salesforce validation errors - for deployments made via 'Compare and deploy' as well as automated CI deployments and/or PR validations in Gearset Pipelines
Resolving common validation errors related to 'Experience Bundle' metadata type
Resolving validation errors - "A Recipe must specify a Dataflow" on WaveRecipe metadata type
Resolving validation errors - "Cannot find a user that matches any of the following usernames: <xxx>; remove the user from the component being deployed or create a matching user in the destination organization."
Resolving validation errors - "Cannot modify managed object" on PermissionSet metadata type
Resolving validation errors - "Cannot set sharingModel to ControlledByParent on a CustomObject without a MasterDetail relationship field"
Resolving validation errors - "Cannot specify: inlineHelpText for platform event field"
Resolving validation errors - "Cannot use field:WhatId in RelatedContent section." on Layout metadata type
Resolving validation errors - "ControlledByParent is not a valid sharing model for Asset"
Resolving validation errors - "Control field value <xxx> not found, valid values are <yyy>"
Resolving validation errors - "Couldn't locate layout section: <xxx> in layout <yyy>"
Resolving validation errors - "CustomApplication - You specified one or more duplicate ProfileActionOverride values."
Resolving validation errors - "Custom metadata type "XXX_mdt" is not available in this organization"
Resolving validation errors - "Duplicate label <xxx>" for deployment with Global Value Set metadata type
Resolving validation errors - "Error parsing file: ' ' is not a valid value for the enum 'Gender'"
Resolving validation errors - "Failure DestructiveChanges.xml"
Resolving validation errors - "Field: field, value <xxx> appears more than once"
Resolving validation errors - "field integrity exception: unknown - (<xxx> Access level below organization default)"
Resolving validation errors - "In field: QuickAction - no QuickAction named <xxx> found"
Resolving validation errors - "In field: field - no CustomField named <xxx> found"
Resolving validation errors - "INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY: insufficient access rights on cross-reference id: "xxx""
Resolving validation errors - "invalid cross reference id" for Custom application metadata
Resolving validation errors - "Invalid element reference <xxx> not found for target"
Resolving validation errors - "Invalid field name <xxx>" on Report metadata type
Resolving validation errors - "Must Specify a Non-Empty Label for the Custom Object"
Resolving validation errors - "One of the objects selected for your roll-up summary uses dated exchange rates and the other object does not. Roll-up summary fields can only summarize values of currency fields if both objects convert values (...)"
Resolving validation errors - Once an approval process has been activated, you cannot add or remove steps. Please create a new approval process from this one for modification. You may only delete an approval process that has no data records associated..."
Resolving validation errors - "Permission <xxx> depends on permission(s): <yyy>"
Resolving validation errors - "Picklist value: <xxx> in picklist: <yyy> not found."
Resolving validation errors - "RecordType (Screen Component) - inputsOnNextNavToAssocScm isn't supported for fieldType <xxx>"
Resolving validation errors - "Test only deployment cannot update a field from a MasterDetail to Lookup"
Resolving validation errors - "Test only deployment cannot update a field from a Lookup to MasterDetail"
Resolving validation errors - "The approver null has an invalid type. Replace PreviousApprover with a valid enumeration value"
Resolving validation errors - "The field apiVersion can't be "<xxx>""
Resolving validation errors - "There is more than one instance identifier with the same name <xxx>"
Resolving validation errors - "The sharing calculation you requested can't be processed right now...".
Resolving UNKNOWN errors - "UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION: An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support
Resolving validation errors - "Unsupported custom field type conversion attempted."
Resolving validation errors - "You may not modify the permission <xxx> while editing a Standard Profile"
Resolving validation errors - "<xxx> - "apexClass" is invalid. Provide the API name of an Apex class that includes an Apex data type supported in flows."
Resolving validation errors - "No more than 10 columns may be specified in lookupPhoneDialogsAdditionalFields"
Resolving validation errors - "<xxx> does not exist or is not a valid override for action <yyy>"
Resolving validation errors - "You can't edit tab settings for <xxx>, as it's not a valid tab." - where <xxx> refers to a specific Custom object
Resolving validation errors - "INVALID_TYPE: Cannot use: WorkflowRule in this organization"
How does Gearset handle requests that exceed the download limit?
Resolving validation errors - "Cannot specify a gender for a gender neutral language"
How to resolve the "QuickText is not a valid Tab" error when deploying Profiles
Why am I seeing LIMIT_EXCEEDED error during deployments?
Resolving validation errors - "In field: report - no Report named <xxx> found" on Dashboard metadata type
Resolving validation errors - "<xxx> is not a valid condition field for : <yyy>" on Duplicate Rule metadata type
Resolving validation errors - "An approval process can't be active until it has at least one approval step"