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'Compare all' metadata filter

List of all the metadata types (208) included in our default 'Compare all' filter

Mateusz Kochanowicz avatar
Written by Mateusz Kochanowicz
Updated yesterday

Below is the list of all the metadata types (208 in total) included in our default metadata filter: Compare all.

Metadata types

Links to documentation with guidelines on how to deploy different metadata types and/or their specific components

AI application

AI application config

Account sharing rules
deprecated in API version 33

Action launcher item definition

Action plan template

Advanced account forecast dimension source

Advanced account forecast period group

Advanced account forecast set

Analytic snapshot

Animation rule

Apex class

How to use precision deployment of Apex code.

Apex component

Apex email notifications

Apex page

Apex test suite

Apex trigger

App menu

Approval process

Assessment question

Assessment question set

Assignment rules
Including 1 sub-component:
- AssignmentRule


Aura component

Auth. provider

Auto response rules
Including 1 sub-component:
- AutoResponseRule

Batch calc job definition

Batch process job definition

Branding Set

Briefcase definition

CMS connect source

CSP trusted site

Call center

Campaign sharing rules

deprecated in API version 33

Case sharing rules

deprecated in API version 33


Channel layout

Clean data service

Community (Zone)

Community template definition

Community theme definition

Connected app

Contact sharing rules

Content asset

Cors whitelist origin

Custom application

Custom application component

Custom feed filter

Custom help menu section

Custom labels
Including 1 sub-component:
- CustomLabel

Custom metadata

How to retrieve and locate in your comparison Custom metadata type access and custom settings access;

Custom notification type

Custom object

Including 10 sub-components:
- BusinessProcess
- Compact Layout
- CustomField
- FieldSet
- Index
- ListView
- RecordType
- SharingReason
- ValidationRule
- WebLink

Deploy Fundraising Standard objects

How to deploy Record Types

How to deploy Custom Links and Buttons through WebLink metadata;

- Custom Settings,
- Knowledge Articles or
- Search Layouts using Custom object metadata type

Custom object translation

Custom page web link

Custom permission

Custom site

Custom tab


Data category group

DataWeave resource

Decision matrix definition

Delegated group

Digital experience bundle

Digital experience config


Duplicate rule

Einstein Bot
Including 1 sub-component:
- BotVersion

Email services function

How to deploy EmailServiceFunctions

Email template

Embedded service branding

Embedded service config

Embedded service live agent

Embedded service menu settings

Entitlement process

Entitlement template

Escalation rules
Including 1 sub-component:
- EscalationRule

Event relay config

Experience bundle

How to deploy Digital Experiences (Communities) and changes to them

Expression set definition

How to deploy Expression sets

Expression set definition version

Expression set object alias

External credential

External data source

External service registration


How to deploy Flows

Flow Category

Flow definition

Flow test

Forecasting filter

Forecasting filter condition

Forecasting source definition

Forecasting type

How to deploy ForecastingType metadata

Forecasting type source

Fuel type

Fuel type sustainability unit of measure

Global picklist
deprecated in API version 37

Global Value Set

Our app supports precision deployments of GlobalValueSet metadata

Global Value Set translation


How to deploy a Public Group

Home page component

Home page layout

IP address range

Identity verification process definition

Installed package

Guidance on when to not include Installed Package metadata type in the filter

Integration provider definition

Keyword List


How to use precision deployments for Page layouts

Lead Convert Settings

Our app supports precision deployments of LeadConvertSettings metadata

Lead sharing rules
deprecated in API version 33


Lightning Bolt

Lightning experience theme

Lightning message channel

Lightning page

How to deploy Lightning pages and their components;
Our app supports precision deployments of FlexiPage (also known as Lightning page) metadata

Lightning web component

Live chat agent

Live chat button

Live chat deployment

Live chat sensitive data rule

ML data definition

ML prediction definition

Managed content type

Managed topics (Community)

Marketing app extension

Matching rules
Including 1 sub-component:
- MatchingRule

Messaging channel



Moderation rule

Muting permission set

Named credentials

Navigation menu

Network (Community)

Network branding (Community branding)

Notification type config


Omni supervisor config





Opportunity sharing rules
deprecated in API version 33

Path assistant

Payment gateway provider

Permission Set

Permission Set Group

Our app supports precision deployments of PermissionSetGroup metadata

Platform cache partition

Platform event channel

Platform event channel member

Platform event subscriber config

Post template for approvals in Chatter

Presence decline reason

Presence user config


Deploy various granular Profile components;
How to retrieve Profiles and their components in your metadata filter

Profile Password Policy

Profile Session Setting



Queue routing config

Quick action

Recommendation strategy

Record action deployment (guided action settings)

Relationship Graph Definition

Remote site setting


Report Type

Our app supports precision deployments of RecordType metadata

Restriction Rule


SAML SSO config

Search customization

Sales agreement settings

Service channel

Service presence status

Service process


Our app supports precision deployments of Settings metadata;
Deploy settings to enable Multi-currencies;
Retrieve State and Country/Territory Picklists

Sharing rules

Sharing set


Standard Value Set

Our app supports precision deployments of StandardValueSet metadata;
How to deploy picklist changes on standard fields;
How to deploy Account team roles using StandardValueSet metadata

We also support ApplicationFormStage - it's a StandardValueSet found on Financial Services Cloud orgs.

Standard value set translation

Static resource

Synonym dictionary



Territory2 model

Territory2 rule

Territory2 type

Time sheet template

Timeline object definition

Topics for objects

Transaction security policy


How to deploy Translations

UI Object Relation Config

User access policy (beta)

Objects surfaced using API Version 57 or above

User criteria

User sharing rules
deprecated in API version 33

Wave XMD

Wave application

Wave component

Wave dashboard

Wave dataflow

Wave dataset

Wave lens

Wave recipe

Web store template

Work skill routing

Including 5 sub-components:

- WorkflowRule

- WorkflowFieldUpdate

- WorkflowAlert

- WorkflowOutboundMessage

- WorkflowTask

Deploy Email alerts using WorkflowAlert metadata type

List of the above metadata types was last updated on the 19th of July 2024.

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