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How to deploy Agentforce Topic (GenAiPlugin) metadata

A walkthrough on how to deploy Agentforce Topic (GenAiPlugin) metadata

Gareth Hefferon avatar
Written by Gareth Hefferon
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Gearset's Agentforce metadata deployment solution simplifies the process of deploying AI-powered configurations in Salesforce, including the Agentforce Topic metadata (GenAiPlugin). Agentforce Topics determine the scope that an AI Agent has i.e. Customer service, sales, etc.
This guide will explain how to successfully deploy the Topic (GenAiPlugin) metadata with Gearset.


Make sure to use at least API version 60 for the comparison. Read the prerequisite section of the How to deploy GenAi metadata guide to find out how to do this.

What metadata is needed in the filter?

In your metadata filter you will only need to include GenAiPlugin.

How to deploy GenAiPlugin metadata through Gearset

To deploy a GenAiPlugin metadata type, you need to make sure that all the GenAiFunction dependencies exist on the target. If they don't then you need to deploy them alongside the GenAiPlugin for the validation/deployment to be successful.


This GenAiPlugin is dependent on the following GenAiFunctions:

  • Check_Weather

  • Generate_Personalized_Schedule

  • EmployeeCopilot_GetRecordDetails

  • Issue_Bulk_Resort_Credits

  • Issue_Resort_Credit

  • EmployeeCopilot__QueryRecords

  • EmployeeCopilot_SummarizeRecord

If any of these GenAiFunctions are not in the target org, or being deployed to the target org along with the GenAiPlugin, then the validation/deployment will fail.
We will be adding more problem analyzers over time to help highlight any missing GenAiFunction dependencies before a validation or deployment occurs.

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