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How to get started with Precision Deployments

How to deploy specific layout, report type, setting and record type items. Precision deployments can also be used for CPQ data records!

Valerio Chang avatar
Written by Valerio Chang
Updated over 3 months ago

Gearset can help you break down metadata into individual parts and deploy them to the target. However, sometimes users want to choose individual elements within the metadata or specific lines of XML to deploy, you can now do this with Precision Deployments feature within Gearset!

Gearset's compare and deploy feature now supports Precision Deployments for the following metadata types:

  • Assignment rules

  • Connected app

  • Custom application

  • Custom field translation

  • Custom object translation

  • Global value sets

  • Layouts

    • Mini layouts

  • Lead convert settings

  • Lightning pages

  • Permission set groups

  • Picklists and multiselect picklists

  • Record types

  • Report types

  • Settings

  • Standard value sets

Note: It’s not possible to select individual lines of code within Apex component metadata type during a comparison.

What was hard about deployments?

When you have multiple team members working on the same metadata, deploying has at times given many teams a headache due to a number of issues:

  • Metadata can often contain test fields and work-in-progress changes, and therefore only some items are ready to be deployed to the next org or committed to a feature branch.

  • This problem is often exacerbated when working with your team in shared sandbox orgs as they typically include other people’s changes.

  • Merging layout changes is difficult. Most admins and developers often just wish to deploy their own layout item changes and keep everything else as is.

  • It is way too easy to overwrite existing changes in the target org when another team member deployed their changes before you. At times, fields get manually added directly in the target org (especially common with Production orgs).

  • Sifting through genuine additions and deletions from simple field moves and reorders in the XML view in Gearset used to take much longer than ideal.

The amount of effort needed to overcome all these obstacles meant that many teams either skipped deploying certain metadata types altogether or resorted to manual workarounds, which involved editing files in code editors and source control. Gearset now offers a much faster and more flexible way of cherry picking specific deployments.

Enter precision deployments

Precision deployments give teams and individuals the ultimate flexibility in deploying and committing supported metadata types.

Note: Precision deployments will only work on existing items that flag as "Different" in the comparison, not "New" or "Deleted".

Here we will walk through an example with Page Layouts:

Choose your Layout file, then in the XML view below start picking the changes you want to include in your deployment. Simply leave out any in-progress fields or any changes belonging to other team members.

  • Quickly include all changes by selecting the entire Layout file in the main table

  • Select or deselect all changes in either the source or the target by using the “Selected” checkboxes in the XML view

  • Any field that has a different position in the layout is marked with a chain icon

  • Quickly jump back and forth between new and old field locations in the layout file

That's it — you're now ready to start using Precision Deployments in Gearset.

Use precision deployments for CPQ, Advanced Approvals and Billing config data

Gearset allows you to select and deploy changes to individual fields on each record for CPQ, Advanced Approvals and Billing config data.

Fields to exclude option in the CPQ filter

When you configure your filter for CPQ, you have an option to specify which field API name(s) you want to exclude from your comparison, and essentially from the deployment.

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