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Comparing and deploying CPQ configuration FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions related to CPQ comparisons and deployments

Kevin Slattery avatar
Written by Kevin Slattery
Updated over a month ago

Can I use CPQ data ‘templates’ that I can use to populate particular sets of product records?
The Gearset version of a CPQ data template is our existing metadata filter and the ability to easily write and save a specific SOQL query to filter your CPQ configuration.

Can I compare and deploy CPQ with source control?

Yes. We fully support all Git based source control providers and can compare and deploy metadata and CPQ using source control in a single deployment. You can find out more from our CPQ source control documentation.

Can I use precision deployments to deploy CPQ, Billing and Advanced Approvals config data?
Yes, our precision deployments feature now supports CPQ. You can read more about in in our documentation.

How do I align existing CPQ configuration in my orgs?
Our recommended approach is via full copy sandbox refresh to align existing config in conjunction with adding Gearset's external ID setup wizard.

Can I deploy deleted CPQ records?
Gearset doesn't support deployments of deleted CPQ records.

And in case you're wondering what we mean by "deleted CPQ records" - these are records that don't exist in your source environment, but do exist in the target. Therefore, sometimes Gearset users may want to delete such records from their target environment.

Currently, if you try to do that in our app, you'd see below notification in the Deleted tab:
"Deleted CPQ records cannot be deployed".

Can I roll back a CPQ deployment?
New and Deleted items cannot be rolled back using Gearset. It could be done manually from the Salesforce Org. But you can currently roll back Changed items that have been deployed. Deployment rollback is also only available with a Teams or Enterprise license.

Note: In case you're wondering, New CPQ records can't be rolled back because in order to roll back something that's new, you'd need to delete it first.

Do you also support Advanced Approvals and Billing?
Yes. You can include both when configuring your comparison filter.

How can I include Advanced Approvals configuration data in my comparison?
When you open the metadata filter, you will see Advanced Approvals as its own tab (just to the right of the CPQ tab). You can then include some or all of these approvals in the comparison. Please be aware that because Advanced Approvals are not part of standard CPQ, they are not included in our CPQ Standard Filter.

When deploying Advanced Approvals configuration data, we'll keep the same field values for all config data objects, and the same status active/inactive from the source will be reflected in the target org.

How do I include Advanced Approval metadata in my comparison?
The namespace for Advanced Approvals is sbaa. So include this namespace when choosing which managed packages to include (Please find our document on Comparing Managed Package metadata with Gearset here). You'd need to include the Advanced Approvals themselves, using the method in the question above.

You would also need to include any related Salesforce metadata upon which your Advanced Approval configuration also has a dependency. These would typically include, though not be limited to, Custom object, Global value set, Profiles, and Global picklist, via the metadata tab.

Can I use SOQL queries to retrieve specific CPQ records for comparison?
Yes. Learn more here.

Can I exclude certain fields from the CPQ comparison?

Yes, by using the fields to exclude function in the metadata filter.

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