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How to change the org connection of a data backup

Step by step instructions on how to change the org connection used to run your backups.

Richard Terry avatar
Written by Richard Terry
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes, you need to change the org connection that is used to run your backup job.

An example of this is when you want to move Gearset to its own Salesforce user to log changes from Gearset.

Gearset does not currently have a simple way to change the org connection of a backup.

To make this change, we will be taking advantage of the transfer ownership feature.

To do this you require two Gearset accounts with licenses.

  1. Transfer ownership of the backup to your second Gearset account.

  2. On the second account, add an org connection to the same Salesforce org as the backup is currently running on.

  3. Accept the backup on the new org connection.

  4. Transfer the backup to the original account.

  5. Accept the backup on the new org connection you wish to use.

If you have any issues with this process feel free to reach out in our in app chat

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