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Saved comparison pairs

Save comparison pairs of your source and target environments for a quick access.

Dario Messina avatar
Written by Dario Messina
Updated over 4 months ago

Gearset gives you the ability to save comparison pairs of your source and target environments.

This feature allows you to save and then quickly access your most commonly compared environments. So you no longer need to select the source and target every time you run a new comparison.

It's a particularly useful option if you have a high number of source and target environments added to your Gearset account, and you find yourself often clicking through drop-down lists, and having to scroll to find the environments you're looking to compare.

Where to find saved comparison pairs in the app?

You can click on Saved comparison pairs to be redirected to the correct page in our app.

Or, when navigating through the app, in the side menu bar (on the left hand side) under Metadata deployments select Saved comparison pairs (highlighted in yellow on below screenshot).

Then select the blue button in the middle CREATE A NEW COMPARISON PAIR (highlighted in red).

You'll then be prompted to enter a Friendly name for your pair (of environments). This way you can quickly find the pair when you need to use it for your next comparison!

Select your source and target for the pairing and then click Save comparison pair.

Note: Gearset allows you to save comparison pairs between both Salesforce org and/or Git branches. So your saved comparison pair may be an Org to Org, Org to Git, Git to Org or Git to Git comparison.

How does a saved comparison pair look like in Gearset?

Once it's saved, your new pairing will be available to select!

After you've selected your comparison pair, you can simply click on Compare now using an On-demand comparison metadata filter - this filter allows you to open the comparison straight away, with no metadata filter pre-applied.

It means that that you can choose your preferred metadata types on the next screen once the comparison results page has loaded.

Alternatively, you can configure your metadata filter before running the comparison.

To do so, simply click on the menu under COMPARISON FILTERS to select your preferred pre-defined filter, or your previously saved custom filter.

You can also click on Manage custom filters to create a new custom filter tailored to your needs. Once you are happy with the filter selection click OK, then select Compare now to start comparing your source and target.

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