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Comparison history

View a history of previous comparisons and create deployments from them

Valerio Chang avatar
Written by Valerio Chang
Updated over 7 months ago

Every comparison you run in Gearset is stored in your Comparison history, even if you never created a draft, validated package or made a deployment after running the comparison.

The comparison history can be useful if you want to quickly view the results of a previous comparison, or build a deployment package from an older comparison.

This history belongs to your Gearset team, and the whole team will have the same view of the comparison history.

Accessing comparison history

You can access your comparison history under the Metadata deployments > Comparison history menu.

The comparison history contains a list of all previous comparisons run in Gearset. For each past comparison, Gearset lists the source and target metadata locations as well as the date and time of the comparison.

Your comparison history is shared with other members of your team in Gearset, as shown in the screenshot below.

To open any previous comparison, click View comparison. Gearset will retrieve the saved snapshots of your environments, and display the comparison results in the usual line-by-line difference table.

Saved comparisons are often faster than running a new comparison 

When you view a comparison from your history, the metadata is retrieved from Gearset rather than from your Salesforce orgs, meaning that it's often much faster to load these items (from a saved comparison) than it would be to run a fresh comparison between your orgs.

Saved comparisons represent the state of your source and target at the time of the original comparison - any changes made since then will not be shown in the saved snapshots.

If you are creating a deployment from a saved comparison, it's a good idea to refresh the comparison before building your deployment by clicking the Refresh comparison... button.

Filtering comparison history by date

By default, the comparison history will display packages created in the last 10 days.

You can change this filter view by clicking on the drop-down arrow on the right of the date range box.

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