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Metadata deployment history

View a history of previous metadata deployments made via 'Compare and deploy', download deployment reports, do a rollback or clone a package

Valerio Chang avatar
Written by Valerio Chang
Updated over 4 weeks ago

The Deployment history lists every deployment made via 'Compare and deploy' you've previously made using Gearset.

It is also where you begin a deployment rollback, clone a package, or view detailed deployment reports.

Accessing deployment history

You can access your comparison history under the Metadata deployments > Deployment history menu.

Navigating deployment history

The deployment history lists deployments that have been run/attempted (or are running) through Gearset. For each item, the following information is displayed:

  • OWNER: which Gearset user performed the deployment. Deployment history is shared amongst team members in Gearset, so you may see deployments in the history performed by other members of your team.

  • SOURCE USERNAME: the source metadata location.

  • TARGET USERNAME: the target metadata location.

  • FRIENDLY NAME: you can enter a name in here to make it easier to identify the deployment in the future (e.g. Sprint 3 September 2019). You can search for deployments by friendly name using the search box in the top right of the page.

  • DATE: the date and time of the deployment.

  • DEPLOYMENT STATUS: Successful, Failed, In progress or Scheduled.

  • ACTIONS: a number of actions that can be performed (see below).

  • Type (appears in the gray row underneath a deployment when you click on it): Standard, Rollback or Deploy to target.

Filtering and searching deployment history

You can search for items in your history using the search box above the table of results. 

By default, the deployment history will display deployments carried out in the last 10 days. You can change this filter view by clicking on the drop-down arrow on the right of the date range box.

The results can be sorted by column by clicking on a column header - by default they are sorted by date, with the most recent at the top.

You can also filter the history by deployment status. You can view all deployments (default), or only successful, failed, in-progress or scheduled deployments, or filter results by source or target location type.

Actions from deployment history

A number of actions can be performed from the ACTIONS column. The actions depend on the deployment status.

For Successful deployments:

  • Clone package...: described in this separate support article.

  • View details: view the Deployment successful page, including the items deployed.

  • Roll back...: described in this separate support article.

  • Deploy to target: described in this separate support article.

  • Download report: open the PDF deployment report - described below.

  • View comparison: view the original comparison used to create this deployment.

  • Download package: described below.

  • Download CSV: described below.

  • Delete: click to delete a deployment from your history. This cannot be undone!

For Failed deployments:

  • Clone package...: described in this separate support article.  

  • View errors: view a list of errors that caused the deployment to fail.

  • View comparison: view the original comparison used to create this deployment.

  • Download package: described below.

  • Download CSV: described below.

  • Delete: click to delete a deployment from your history. This cannot be undone!

Where do I find history of commits made to feature branches?

Deployment history page also includes the history of commits made to feature branches using 'Compare now' within your Pipelines UI.

Even though it may appear that those commits may be CI job related, remember that a commit made to a feature branch is not an automated deployment. Therefore, a history of such commit won't be displayed directly on the CI dashboard.

To see the deployments made to the CI job you need to click on the CI job history as below.

Download report

You can download a detailed PDF report for any successful deployment in your history. This contains key information about the deployment, including who carried out the deployment, the source and target locations, deployment time, tests, deployment notes (if added), and a list of components deployed.

Download CSV

For a full list of the metadata items deployed, you can download a CSV export of the deployment. 

The CSV contains each metadata item, their difference type, the item name, and modified on/by. It does not contain the raw XML for the metadata - to access this, download the deployment package. 

Download package

This will download the full file that was uploaded to Salesforce during the deployment. Unzipping this will display the folder containing your metadata so you can see exactly what was deployed at the raw XML level.

This folder will contain the package.xml file along with your metadata. If your deployment contained deletions, you will also see a destructiveChangesPost.xml file.

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