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Running a Vlocity comparison

Compare data packs between two environments

Tom Smith avatar
Written by Tom Smith
Updated over 2 months ago

License requirements:
Gearset users will need a Salesforce Industries add-on license to deploy Vlocity or OmniStudio components.
Please, check our Pricing page for licensing details.

Gearset lets you compare and deploy changes to your Vlocity data packs alongside changes to your Salesforce metadata.

To run a comparison, you'll need to select your source and target, as you would for comparing Salesforce metadata.

You can compare Vlocity data packs from any Salesforce org connected using Salesforce authentication, or any supported source control provider.

From the COMPARISON FILTER menu, select Default Vlocity comparison.

This filter includes some of the common data pack types from OmniStudio, including DataMappers, Integration Procedures and OmniScripts. Learn how to customize what's included in the comparison.

Click Compare now to start your comparison. Gearset will fetch data packs from your source and target and show you the differences. Depending on the size of your orgs, this can take a few minutes.

Once the comparison finishes, Gearset will show you the differences between your source and target. These changes appear in the same way as Salesforce metadata changes.

You'll see the name and type of the data pack, any dependencies of the data pack when you expand each row, and the line by line differences for each data pack in the diff viewer.

Note: If the source or target is a Salesforce org, data packs will only appear in the comparison if they've been activated.

When you expand a row, Gearset will show any dependencies for that data pack in a tree. This includes all of the dependencies you see in IDX Workbench, plus additional dependencies that Gearset can detect in your data packs and Salesforce metadata, such as between FlexCards and OmniScripts or between Integration Procedures and Apex Classes.

Want to know how to deploy these data packs? Read our guide on creating your first deployment.

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