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How to deploy State and country or territory picklists

What to include in the metadata filter and what to look for in the comparison results

Jacob Joshua avatar
Written by Jacob Joshua
Updated over 7 months ago

Deploying Salesforce State and Country/Territory Picklists can be tricky, as not only do you need to find your picklist values, you also need to find their configuration settings.

Metadata comparison filter

To retrieve the picklist values, you need to select the Standard value set metadata type (items AddressCountryCode and AddressStateCode), and to get the configuration settings, you would need to also include Settings metadata type (item Address).

So your selection would look like this for Standard value set:

And this for Settings:

Comparison results

Once the comparison loads, you'll be able to find the picklist values in Standard value sets and the configuration settings in the Address Settings item:

​In this example below, I am deploying new Standard value set metadata type (items AddressCountryCode and AddressStateCode), and the configuration settings are same hence not selected, otherwise you would need to also include Settings metadata type (item Address).

Limitations with deploying 'State and Country/Territory Picklists'

As per this Salesforce documentation, there are some limitations within the API as to what you're able to deploy. To quote Salesforce:

"You can use the Metadata API to edit existing states, countries, and territories in state and country/territory picklists. You can’t use the Metadata API to create or delete new states, countries, or territories.

To edit the existing states and countries in a picklist, configure your state and country/territory picklists in your sandbox org. Then, use the Metadata API to retrieve the sandbox configurations, and deploy them to your production org. You can’t deploy new ISO codes or update ISO code values using any API."

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