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Flow error monitoring pilot: roadmap
Stephen Chambers avatar
Written by Stephen Chambers
Updated over a week ago

We're scheduled to make flow error monitoring generally available at the end of Q4/Q1 2025. We'll be releasing the following new features in slices as part of the ongoing pilot over the coming months and longer term feature enhancements throughout 2025. Note: any estimated features or timelines are subject to change.

Display errors by flow, error type and element (Estimated Nov/Dec 2024)

An email inbox provides little aggregation or organization of flow errors other than a growing list of errors that can be difficult to distinguish between. Gearset will be providing a way to group by flow name, and further broken down into grouping by error type and element within the flow that was responsible. Number of users impacted by the error also gives you an immediate sense of how many end users will be negatively impacted if the error continues. Getting to the root cause of errors will be a significantly easier task with the upcoming implementation.

MS Teams/Slack channel integration (Estimated Nov 2024)

We heard from numerous customers that relying on monitoring an email inbox would often lead to errors being missed if someone from the team wasn't around or errors were being sent to different inboxes so there was no holistic way in which to alert everyone in the team. We'll be adding support for both Slack and MS Teams to remove the limitations of email.

Custom rule notifications (Estimated December 2024, early Q1 2025)

In order to avoid alert fatigue or information overload from error alerts, we're adding the ability for teams to create custom notifications. These will enable you to tailor what type of errors and how often they get surfaced to your team, allowing you to focus on the errors that deserve your attention.

Jira and Azure Work Items ticket support (Q1 2025)

Resolving a flow error is often tracked by attaching support tickets via Jira or Azure Work items. You can attach and track the status of a fix for a current flow error as it moves downstream and a fix is shipped. Having this visibility ensures the flow errors you care most about don't get lost in the noise and always assigned to a team member.

Analytics and reporting (Q1/Q2 2025)

It can be difficult to get a sense of the health of your flows on a more holistic level across the entire org. With a potentially large number of flows, sudden changes in alert volume, or difficult to spot trends over time it can be difficult to understand how to improve your existing implementation and reduce the number of daily errors. Gearset's analytics and reporting features will enable you to answer any questions you may have about flow errors in your org.

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