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Set up Omnistudio in your org for deployments

If you use Omnistudio check this guide to see if this applies to you.

Claudia McPhail avatar
Written by Claudia McPhail
Updated over a week ago

This is correct as of 16 March 2022.



This is where you create Vlocity data packs.

OmniStudio Console

This is where you can view records (e.g. Accounts)


Sometimes called Vlocity Card. A piece of UI that'll appear in OmniStudio Console. The UI will use data from an integration procedure or a data raptor, or you can embed FlexCards within each other.

Integration Procedure

A data source for a FlexCard. It's a bit like a flowchart where you give some input and it does a series of steps to give an output. For example, you might give an account ID as input, and it'll use a Data Raptor to extract some fields from that account. Or you might give a contact ID, and it'll pull the weather for the contact始s home address from a third party service.

Data Raptor

This transforms data from one format to another. It might take data from an Account record, and turn that data into a JSON format which can be used as the input for an Integration Procedure or a FlexCard.

For example, the output of a Data Raptor for an account might look like:

"Name": "Gearset",
"NumberOfEmployees": 150,


This is a bit like a wizard for getting a user to fill out information, it can ask for different data based on your responses. Imagine something like the form you fill out to compare insurance.

Setting up the org

After you start using an org you may need to fix some configuration in the org

Go to OmniStudio via the App Launcher

Switch to OmniStudio FlexCards - it始ll take a while to actually load the page.

Once that page loads, you始ll see some warnings near the top right.

In another tab, open Setup.

Go to Remote Site Settings.

Edit FlexCardLightningForceURL.

Go back to the first tab and open the warnings.

Take the URL ending and use this as the value for FlexCardLightningForceURL and save.

Edit the FlexCardVisualForceURL remote site setting and replace it with the URL ending from the warning.

To test

Add a new remote site.

Remote Site Name: Weather

Remote Site URL

If you go back to the first tab and refresh, the warnings should be gone.

Run your first (org-to-org) deployment

Run a new comparison in Gearset.

  • Metadata filter:

    • Salesforce metadata: Custom object

    • Custom application Lightning page

    • Lightning web component

  • Vlocity:

    • Data Raptor

    • OmniScript

    • Integration Procedure

    • FlexCard

The results should look something like this.

Select some of the new items and changed items.

Run the deployment.

Check the results

Go back to your org and open OmniStudio Console from the app launcher.

Confirm that you can see the components you've deployed, normally you'd look for these by doing the following:

  • Switch to All Accounts.

  • Open an account, it might look like this.

  • Here we鈥檝e got:

    • a data raptor that pulls information from the account (contact, phone, website, city)

    • an integration procedure that takes the account city and gets the weather for the account

    • two flex cards

      • a child flex card which show the weather (on the right hand side)

      • a flex card which uses the information from the data raptor (on the left) and contains the child flex card with the weather (on the right)

This setup is roughly based on the content from Trailhead, and completing this will help you get started with Vlocity.

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