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CPQ external IDs for Clone With Related records

Understand how Gearset handles external IDs when you use the Clone With Related feature in CPQ related objects

Maria De Alpuim avatar
Written by Maria De Alpuim
Updated over a week ago

“Clone with related” feature in Salesforce CPQ makes it easy to create new configuration based on existing CPQ records and their related objects. This is very handy for many users as it saves them a lot of time when creating similar CPQ configuration and iterating on their work.

Note that this feature only clones the records visible directly in Salesforce, as you can't clone information that you don't have permissions to view and access.

If you use Gearset CPQ external IDs setup, once you clone a record that has a GearsetExternalId__c field populated, the value of this field would also be cloned (duplicated). But as GearsetExternalId__c values need to be kept unique in order for the deployments to be supported, Gearset has a way to help you manage the external IDs for CPQ cloned records.

When you first choose to Add the Gearset external ID for CPQ deployments using our external IDs wizard, you'd be given an option to automatically create a simple flow that will make "Clone with Related" feature work as expected.

Choose to add flows either 'On all supported objects' or 'For objects with CloneWithRelated in layouts':

This means that if you select one of these options, Gearset will create flows that will get triggered automatically when you use Clone with Related feature. Those flows will essentially blank out the CPQ external ID value before cloning, so that they can be treated as new records and not duplicates.

Example - The flow created for Product object:

Note: Clone with related is not available on custom objects as Salesforce has not added support for this as of the time of writing. What many Salesforce users do is creating a flow that helps cloning any objects with any related lists. But this is not something that Gearset currently supports.

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