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Creating a Gearset API access token

How to integrate Gearset automation with external tools

Julian Wreford avatar
Written by Julian Wreford
Updated over 11 months ago

The Gearset API is a REST API that accepts JSON messages over HTTPS. It contains within it a wide range of functionality which allows users to integrate Gearset into external applications.

Access Tokens

The first thing you'll need to do to use the API is obtain an access token. Your access token is used for authentication, and it tells the API that you're authorized to make requests.

To create an access token, go to the My account (by clicking the Gearset logo in the top right corner of the app). Then under Team Management > Team security you'll find Access token management on the left-hand side.

Note: You may need to scroll down a bit to find Team management.

There you'll see a page on which you can create an access token:

If you can't see Team security section on your account, please make sure that access to the Access token management option is enabled for your Gearset team.

This can be enabled by a Team Owner under Team security:

When creating your token, enter a recognizable name that will help you identify the token in the future. You can also change the expires in value at this point.

Click Create new token and you’ll be presented with a dialog like the one below, showing the name, what it's used for and the generated secret.

Note: Take a copy of your token secret and store it somewhere secure. The secret will only be displayed to you once.

Now you have a token, and you can start using the Gearset API:

For further technical details on the Gearset API see:

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