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All CollectionsProblem analyzers
Remove record type deletions
Remove record type deletions
Jason Mann avatar
Written by Jason Mann
Updated over 9 months ago

This analyzer removes record type deletions, which can't be deployed over the metadata API.

What triggers this problem analyzer?

Selecting any record types whose difference type is Deleted in your deployment package will trigger this analyzer.

You'll see a message in Gearset warning that "Record types can't be deleted using the Salesforce metadata API. This type of metadata must be deleted through Salesforce's user interface".

What problem is it solving?

Record types can't be deleted using the Salesforce metadata API. This type of metadata must be deleted through Salesforce's user interface.

If you try to deploy a record type deletion you'll see the following error message: "Error: Cannot delete record type through API".

Removing record type deletions will make the deployment more likely to succeed.

How does it work?

Gearset will automatically remove any deleted record types from your deployment package.

This analyzer removes record type deletions since these cannot be deleted through the Salesforce API.
​Delta CI note: If you are using a Delta CI job, any problem analyzers that remove items from the deployment package are not triggered.

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