This feature is currently in an open pilot
Gearset now supports pre- and post-deployment steps in Pipelines. This allows you to add manual steps to a PR when you create it or while the PR is in progress. When adding pre- or post-deployment steps to a PR, you can associate those steps with any environment where they are needed.
Pre-deployment steps must be marked as complete before the PR can be merged in the Pipelines UI, while post-deployment steps will be highlighted for completion after the PR is merged and propagated to the next environment.
Adding pre/post deployment steps to your PR
You can add your deployment steps to your PR when creating it in the Pipelines UI or in any environment where the PR is awaiting promotion.
You will be able to enter the title of the step, additional details in the provided fields, and specify the environments where the steps should be applied.
All the steps will then appear in the specified environments when the PR is created.
You can also add your pre-/post-deployment steps to your PR directly in the Pipeline. Clicking 'Add step' (highlighted in the image above) will bring up the same modal where you can add the step title, description and select the environments where the steps will appear with that PR.
Managing your pre-/post-deployment steps
Your pre- and post-deployment steps are now attached to the PR. You will only be able to promote the PR once the linked pre-deployment steps have been completed. Gearset will also append the name of the team member who marked the steps as complete to each step.
You can undo a completed step, edit the steps, or reorder a list of steps in any environment where they are located.
Once the PR is promoted, any pending post-deployment steps will appear in the "Pending Completion" tab of your pipeline. Gearset will also highlight any environment with uncompleted post-deployment steps in the UI.
The pending post-deployment steps will remain open in this tab until they have been marked as complete. The "Pending Completion" tab will only appear when there are pending post-deployment steps in that environment.
Completed pre-deployment steps and pending or completed post-deployment steps can also be found on the promotion history page for each environment.
When a pull request (PR) is included in a release, its deployment steps are automatically added to the release.
These steps will appear in the release sidebar, organized by feature. You can edit them just like you would for an individual PR, and you can also add deployment steps directly to the release.
If any pre-deployment steps are incomplete, the release cannot be deployed until they are all finished.
After deployment, post-deployment steps for each PR will appear separately in the “Pending Completion” tab.
Scheduled releases
You can schedule a release that has incomplete pre-deployment steps, but these must be completed before the scheduled deployment date, otherwise the release will not be deployed.
Back propagation and developer sandbox updates
Pre- and post-deployment steps will also show up on back propagation PRs, with post-deployment steps showing up in the 'Pending completion' tab.
Support for developer sandbox updates is ongoing and will be added to the pilot soon.