Digitsec & Gearset Pipelines
Ryan Nebuda avatar
Written by Ryan Nebuda
Updated over a week ago

It's possible for Gearset to integrate with Digitsec to run Security Tests within a Pipeline. This article is to describe how to configure that.

How does it work?

Each Pull Request in a Pipeline will display the status of a DigitSec scan.

How to configure it?

All configuration will be done in DigitSec and Git. This document outlines how to connect to GitHub by updating the Personal Access Token & Webhook. Digitsec can integrate with Gitlab, Bitbucket and Azure.

Once this is completed, Gearset will automatically pull these statuses into the Pipeline.

The result?

Each pull request will display the scan from DigitSec. Within git, the status shows in the pull request:

Gearset will pull this into pipelines displaying the following for Failures:


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