Pricing Procedures in Salesforce Revenue Cloud Advanced define how pricing calculations are performed. They consist of pricing rules, conditions, and calculations that dictate the final price of a quote or order. In the Salesforce Metadata API, Pricing Procedures are represented as ExpressionSetDefinition, which Gearset identifies and deploys like any other metadata component.
Expression Sets are also used in other Salesforce clouds, making them a familiar structure for those working with different Salesforce implementations.
Breakdown of Pricing Procedures and Expression Sets
A Pricing Procedure in Revenue Cloud Advanced consists of several components:
ExpressionSetDefinition: The metadata representation of the Pricing Procedure, which encapsulates pricing logic.
Pricing Rules: Define the conditions and actions that drive price adjustments, often linked as child elements within an Expression Set.
Conditions & Calculations: These are expressions written using the Salesforce formula language or Apex-based conditions, all housed within the Expression Set.
Inputs & Outputs: A Pricing Procedure takes inputs (like product details, customer type, discounts) and outputs the final price.
How to retrieve Pricing Procedure in Gearset
When creating a new Pricing Procedure in the source org, it appears as an Expression Set in Gearset. Below is a screenshot of how this looks in a comparison view:
How to deploy a Pricing Procedure to target orgs
To deploy a Pricing Procedure:
Include "Expression set definition" metadata type in your metadata filter
Run a comparison
Select a new or changed Pricing Procedure (ExpressionSetDefinition) from your comparison results page
Deploy to the target.
Note: When deploying a Pricing Procedure, the procedure itself is deployed to the target org. However, the target org will automatically create a new version of the Pricing Procedure upon deployment.
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