When you perform a comparison involving an org that is using layered modules, Gearset will display the core module and the relevant org-specific module together. This allows you to see the complete set of metadata that is present in that specific org.
Combined View: The comparison will not only show you the differences between org-specific modules but also how the core module's metadata is included. This combined view makes it easy to understand the net effect of the core and org-specific layers.
Context is Key: By seeing both modules in the comparison, you gain a better understanding of how changes in either module will impact the overall configuration of the org.
Multiple Downstream Layered Modules
In scenarios where there are multiple downstream layered modules available, Gearset will provide you with a choice of which layered module you want to view in conjunction with the core.
This feature is particularly useful when you have a complex multi-org setup with various org-specific modules, and you need to focus your comparison on a specific combination of core and org-specific metadata.
Read-Only Core Metadata
If the core module is included in your comparison, but you have not selected the core module as the target for your commit, rest assured that the core module's metadata will be displayed in a read-only state.
This ensures that you can review the core metadata for context and comparison purposes without the risk of accidentally making unintended changes to your core configurations.