Contacting Gearset support

Ways to get in touch with us when using the app

Valerio Chang avatar
Written by Valerio Chang
Updated over a week ago

Gearset was designed to be easy to use and intuitive to learn, but there are always times when you'll have questions as you're getting started with a new tool. When that happens, we're here to help.

If you get stuck, the quickest first stop is to search our documentation, available at We've got a range of articles on Gearset, release management, and frequently asked questions.

Support hours

Gearset is a UK company with a Chicago office. We don't outsource our support - when you talk to us, you're talking to the people building and supporting the app. 

Our core support hours are Monday - Friday midnight - 6pm PST time.


Live support starts

Live support ends




New York






San Francisco



During the week, if you leave a message, we’ll get back to you within 6 hours.

If you can't find the answer you're looking for, there are several ways to get in touch with us:

  • In-app chat

  • Email

  • Phone

  • Feedback forum

In-app chat

The easiest and fastest way to reach us is to start a conversation in our in-app chat widget. This is available both in the app and on our website. 

The messages go straight to our team based in the UK and Chicago office, who'll respond as soon as they can. We aim to reply within minutes rather than hours, but if it's the late evening, weekend or a bank / federal holiday you may have to bear with us a little longer!


You can email us at [email protected]. If your questions are specifically sales related, emailing [email protected] will help the message get to the right people even faster.


Want to chat? Call us on +1 (833) 441 7687.

Feedback forum

We love hearing your feedback - it's what drives our roadmap and ongoing product development. If you've got an idea on how we can make Gearset better, post it on Feel free to upvote any other suggestions while you're there so we know what you'd like to see!

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